Friday, May 1, 2009

My first adventure into blog-land...

Gosh, I hope this doesn't end up boring anyone to tears. Maybe if I don't tell anyone about it.... :)

So I've been painting for a couple of weeks now, a gift for friends who invite us down to their FL beach house every year where we have the best times with them. We walk the beach looking for sharks teeth, the black/prehistoric ones, we do crafts, we watch the sun set every evening from the picnic table in the front yard, we have pirate adventures and go on hikes and just have the best 10 days/2 weeks of the year, at their lovely old beach house.
So this year, we decided to make them something wonderful.... well, we think it's wonderful.

It's a board with 10 tiles on it, each tile depicting something to do with our vacations there.



A-Arts and Crafts

C-Coconut Cups (my husband made one for each of us and our guests the first year.)

H-Hatch- A loggerhead sea turtle made a nest there our 2nd year and she had 147 eggs hatch 2 months later!

H-Horizon for the sunsets we watch over the Gulf

O-Oysters at the local oyster bar

U-Umbrellas cover the beach and our drinks!

S- Sharks teeth

E-Egrets, these are great, fun-to-watch birds!

I got the idea for this from something a lady did for her baby's room- it was a great idea and we had a lot of fun planning this out.

Anyway, this is my first post on my new blog. What a way to start a May!


  1. I love your new blog! May 1st....what a great day to start a blog. Your Beach House project is beyond cool and I'm sure your friends will adore it. Now you've got to get busy and sew/make something else to blog about!

  2. Thanks, JenniFUR! I am already back to sewing, so I should have something for you to see, soon! Thanks for being my first comment!

  3. Not sure how this all works...
    Love the blog

  4. I LOVE your blog! I plan to hang out here each day and hope that your creations will motivate me to be more crafty.

  5. Thank you, MaryAnn, that's a huge compliment!

  6. Such neat craft items! I love the gourds and the tiles.

  7. Oh no, here I was all set to catch up on old posts while I exercise only to discover you've only recently started posting. well, then , I can't wait to see more!!!


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com