Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Funked Out Peasant Blouse and my very first quilt...

Pattern by Lila Tueller, fabrics by Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler and one other. I love this blouse, it takes a little getting used to wearing it as it's quite busy and flamboyant but after it's on and it's so comfy, you forget that you're making a real statement when you're wearing it. OK, honestly I felt like a clown the first time, but after a couple of compliments, I relaxed. :)
In March, I participated in a quilt-along put on by Elizabeth at Oh, Fransson. I decided to do bright colors with white and it came out better than I had hoped for.

The front.

The back, label in bottom corner.

Closer view of the fabrics I used.

Elizabeth's tutorials were outstanding and I learned so much. ALL her tutes are great, be sure to check out her entire blog. I finished the quilt in April while my husband was out of town, I needed a good block of time (ha, no pun!) to do the actual machine quilting, I think it took me at least 8 hours and I was scared to death, but it turned out really well, especially for a first attempt. The cats all seem to approve, too, they can hardly stand to be off of it! I usually keep it with the back up so it won't show the dirt and fur as badly as it would on the white, but it is machine washable, thank goodness.

Beeswax and Murphy, all cuddled up. No matter where I put the quilt, they always seem to find it, even if they have to squinch up in the rocker to share.


  1. Susan, came here from Karin's blog. What a gorgeous peasant blouse! And the colors on the quilt are so happy and cheery and modern! But back to the blouse - apart from the wonderful colors and print, the fit is really good, which isn't often the case with peasant blouses. Oh I want to make one now!

  2. Hi. I love the peasant blouse and the quilts! The colours are great. I saw that you mentioned on Flickr that you had some comments to make about the sizing of the Lila Tueller pattern. I'm thinking of buying the pattern and was wondering what your thoughts were on the sizing of th epattern (or anything else about it). Cheers!


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com