Friday, May 15, 2009

Confessions of a plate addict... and new fabric, too.

After making the pillowcase for my mother, I was reminded of some Melmac plates we had when I was a kid. They had violets on them and I know she bought them piece by piece, or maybe a place setting at a time, from the grocery store in Mequon, Wisconsin, probably Sentry grocery store. I think it was a deal like if you spend $10, you get a place setting for $2, something like that. Well, we had these pretty plates and ate off of them for years. Little by little I think they yellowed or broke, somehow they all disappeared.
Ebay is a wonderful thing. :) I found a set of the exact same dishes, made by Royalon, Inc up for auction and I was happy to win them. Service for 4. I think I'll split this set with my mom, if she wants some of them, and I think she will. Not microwave safe, but I don't care, these plates bring back such happy memories, like eating birthday cake in May- cake that was decorated with big bunches of lilacs on them, which were always blooming right at my birthday in late May in Wisconsin.

Look at how prettily the seller package it up for me! And the set is in near mint condition! Yay! 40 years old and almost perfect, that's amazing to me. I don't really need more plates, I can't even use all the ones I have now, but I couldn't resist these. I think this will make my 6th or 7th set of dinnerware. But come on, don't you think they're sweet?
I had a great sale on Etsy the other day and took the opportunity (and the money) to buy some more fabric. This is the same fabric I used on the triangular bag I blogged about earlier, along with 2 accompanying pieces. Love this stuff, it's Moda's Swanky by Chez Moi.

And I got some more of Timeless Treasures Gypsy fabric, like my red purse is made out of. I love the bright, bold colors and the graphic.

This is fun, hot fabric! It makes me happy!


  1. Hey there...I'm with you! I love the stuff. Or maybe it is the memories it gives me that I love.
    Goes along with the bright metal tumblers we used to drink Kool Aid out of!!

  2. Hiya Jenni! Are you home now? How was HI?

    I loved summer so much when I was a kid, anything to do with it just takes me straight back. Even the smell of a swimming pool makes me think of being a kid at the city pool until it closed every night at 9 PM.

    Do you remember that other drink mix, Funny Face- they had Goofy Grape, Rootin' Tootin' Raspberry, Lefty Lemon, Injun Orange switched to Jolly-Olly Orange, Chinese Cherry, switched to Choo-Choo Cherry, the pc police were active even way back then. I remember we drank that more than Kool Aid, maybe it was cheaper. My mom was thrifty!

  3. Those dishes are sweet!
    No Kool Aid for us, lol....water, milk or OJ only....I got cheated as a child....

  4. Ok, I had the SAME dishes as a kid... at that time they were actually our good dishes before we moved up in the world to have olive/green white corningwear for our good dishes. Too funny!

  5. Funny how these inexpensive melmac dishes bring back such happy memories. I stumbled upon these dishes from my childhood and had to have them. I use them for breakfast and lunch and then hand wash. I use fiesta ware for dinner...those just go in the dishwasher, no special treatment. :)

    One thing that I am having the most problem finding...the medium sized plates. To date, I have only been able to find 3. Wonder why those are the hardest to find? One thing that you have no problem finding are the tea cups. They are usually in all of the auctions and usually in the best of condition.

    Thanks for the great post on such a sweet childhood memory.

    Valerie C.


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